If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Adventures in Babysitting (Minus Anthony Rapp. And all those other people)

How they preoccupied themselves while I cleaned up from dinner.

Who knew sticking clay to the ceiling could be so fun? Second only to how much fun they had sticking it to their faces . . .


  1. I see them every week and I think the same thing! During dinner Madeleine used the term "non applicable", and when I (with surprise) asked her to repeat herself, she said (with emphasis) "Non applicable. Don't you know what that means? I'll give you an example . . ." Ha!

  2. yes, but did she say APP lic able or
    uh PLIC able
    and how cute is Seth in his blazer?

  3. I believe she put the emphasis on the second syllable.
