If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jan. 2 Weekend Photos: Awesome 80s

Late last Friday night I was having fun with Julia's toy. I had one of these when I was a kid. It was awesome.

I like to pretend that I can draw perfect shapes instead of using the stamps that were provided (yes, I used them). Also that I'm left-handed (no, I'm not).

Then Al, Missy, Jen and I tried out a new Trivial Pursuit game that Missy got for Christmas. Some of the game pieces:

Remember this little model, James?


  1. That was actually Melis' game, but I guess it really doesn't matter since all the games we get reside in our parents' game closet.

    Nice shots. You managed to make that Care Bear look even cuter than it was.

    I just loved that little Trapper Keeper. That really took me back. Why don't kids carry those anymore? They were the best! I trace much of my love of organization back to the blue Trapper Keeper I had in elementary school.

  2. You know, as I was typing that I thought maybe it was Missy's. I'll change it.

    Trapper Keepers were awesome. I esp. loved the colorful folders that went inside -- a different color for each subject. My Trapper Keeper was also blue, with some sort of graph paper-like grid on it. Or maybe it was James' and I inherited it, just like all those baby toys I thought were mine.
