If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jan. 23 Weekend Photos: Torrential Rain

Last weekend we had an all-day downpour, resulting in my parents' yard looking like this:

I thought getting my shoes wet would be worth it for the sake of the pictures. I've since rethought that.

I would just like to say that to get this reflection picture I had to wade barefoot in ankle-deep water that was approximately 35 degrees. Maybe 36. Before that, in an attempt to remain water-free, I did a balance-beam thing across the garden rocks, only to have one of them dislodge and nearly make me drop my camera into the murky, 4-inch depths. Never again.


  1. Oh, but wasn't it all worth it? Lovely.

    Of course, I can just see your feet flying out from under you and as you plunge toward the depths (Can we call them that? Yes, I think we can.) holding your d-40 aloft and shrieking, "Ack! Save the camera! Save the camera!"

    At least that's how I've filmed that little scene in my head.

  2. These pictures are great Kris.

    And I agree you can refer to water as "depths". When you're dealing with a $500+ piece of equipment, any amount of water needs to get treated like it's Lake Superior.

  3. That reflection photo is fantastic!

  4. Thanks! And Ali, yes -- that's pretty much how that scene went in my head, too.

  5. Last photo would be freakin' amazing in bw.

  6. Also, I love your header. Wes' chubby little hand is so darling.
